Sunday, February 08, 2009

We are looking good!!! Building LVB Trackers!


Well today is going to hell real quick... It's so easy to let the days time slip thru your hands. Did all the normal things and I started before 7am walking Rufus. Then fed the cats. And of course ended up downstairs behind 8 computer screens. Back upstairs to let the Mork and Mindy out for the second time today. Was reading the MicroCenter flyer that arrived in the mail yesterday and thought "maybe I should go up there and pick up a few hard drives" I need one for a Unbuntu project and Barb's laptop will probably need one since it stopped booting a few weeks ago. Now Sue wants to load up the dogs and take them too! This is good cause I won't spend much time in the store if they're waiting on me. Bad cause I will not be able to browse for too long. So that takes some of the excitement out of making that trip.

Had a great breakfast at the grill. Our friend Dolores sat with us. She is a hoot and I even enjoy her storied the second and third time anyway. So breakfast is done and I am here wondering what to do. Need to goto the airport and get the plane ready cause by mid week it will be in the 50's and Bernie will want to do the annual. Especially if I'm not ready.

I know... get off the computer and JUST DO IT ! 11:49am

Sue and I took the dogs up to MicroCenter. I picked up a couple hard drives and mice. Always seem to need either. You would never think we were in the middle of a recession. MicroCenter was packed with customers all buying lotsa stuff. Desktops, latptops and accessories keeping 6 registers busy... Amazing!!! Arrived safely at the house, just ate a turkey sandwich while reading email and now I'm going to the airport... PERIOD... Outside temperature is not as high as yesterdays but it's now 38 F here at the house. So later! 3:14pm

Just back from the airport. Cleaned up the hangar a bit. Removed the battery to bring home for charging. Removed the cowling and opened up the wings and fuselage for inspection. Oil and filter should be here Monday or Tuesday. Temps this week should be in the 50's.

Took Rufus for a walk. Pretty nice outside. Much of the snow is melted except where it was piled up. We were able to walk in the fields surrounding the middle school for the first time in 2 to 3 weeks. Wonderful. Came home and Sue was in her housecoat so that means we're not going out anymore.

Nothing more for this evening.


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