Saturday, April 14, 2012

33 days till 2012 Dayton HamVention

Today is Saturday April 14th. Had breakfast with my friends from the 145.25 repeater near Hudson.
I have been listening to these guys while walking Rufus and only occasionally check in to the repeater cause I'm usually on a hand held which marginally gets into the repeater. Originally I didn't consider getting up in time for a 7am breakfast on SATURDAY morning but I got into a strange sleeping habit (while on TKR disability) where I went to bed way early and get up way early like around 5:30 so before I got back to work off a disability I met these guys for breakfast and really enjoyed it so I'm hooked into it now.

After breakfast some of us went to the CFARC hamfest. I wasn't planning on buying anything in particular but just went to see folks. Had a great time topped off with lunch at Hamburger Station with Fred, KB8JCV and his friend Terry (don't have his call). Then finished with the rest of my friends in the back room. And Fred bought lunch!!! Thanks Fred.

Now its 5pm and I hope I can get something done with the LVB Tracker project.

posted 5:03PM


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