BOO Puppy is GONE!
Morning came finding Rufus pretty much where he was all night. I could see he was very weak. He didn't make any effort to get up and when I helped him up he couldn't stand up for long nor could he walk. This alone is heartbreaking cause you know in your realistic self that he's not going to make it. Sue called the vet making a 10 am appointment. When the time came I got a blanket and lifted him onto it. Rufus probably lost 10-15 pounds in the last 6-8 months and my new knee has been getting stronger since it was replaced almost a year ago so I was able to lift him and carry him to the car. Wasn't easy but doable.
It's too difficult to write about the process. I will say the process is very humane. Rufus is the second pet I had to put down this year so I knew what to expect which made it easier I think. He was so weak he didn't fight it which was my biggest fear anticipating the event for the last year. I wanted to be with him when he left. As he passed his tail started wagging like he was a happy dog. When it stopped he was gone. His head heavy in my hands. I sure hope someday I find out how it was... Why the wagging tail?
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