LVB Tracker
Well the good news is we are working day-to-day. I have been dreading this strike for quite some time. Recently I have decided to embrace it, build some trackers and do some serious eBay selling to compensate for the wage losses. Now we hafta work day-to-day. GREAT, we'll embrace that too and just build trackers in the evenings.
Dogs are walked, cats are fed.
Let's see if we can get another 90 lcd cable assembly wires stripped and crimped before breakfast!Here's last nights progress. Lower middle compartment... all them little wires got little shiny things on them. Isn't this exciting!
9:27am:90 more stripped and crimped. See the lower left compartment.
Time for breakfast at the Crooked River Grill! 09:32am
It sure has turned out to be a great sunny day. 49 degrees in the shade and very comfortable in the sun with a light breeze from the east.
Sue and I had a great breakfast at the 'Grill. She got all the latest coupons emailed out while we were there. I always bring my laptop with me. Keeps me busy while waiting on food or the rest of the table to finish eating. I eat fast! And usually during the conversation I'm Googling something to settle a dispute or just for more information on the topic of discussion. Today I Googled LVBTracker only to find out the common spelling is LVB Tracker. On the second page there was a HIT ON MY BLOG! So now the public will find this blog when searching for LVB Tracker. Poor souls.... But at least they will see what goes into the building and what else happens while I'm trying to build them.
Took the doxies (Mork & Mindy) out for a walk down the street to the middle school sports field. It's bordered by woods to the east and a creek bisects the baseball and soccer fields. The dogs love it there and it's very popular with the neighborhood dogs as well. Great Day...
Strip and crimp another 90.... Groan...
3:16pmLookie here, one compartment left to strip and crimp. Been watching the CAVS game on TV while working on this and was able to do 180 wires in one sitting. I think the TV either stimulated or distracted me. Will keep the TV on for the rest of the afternoon as we do the last 90. YES!
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