Tuesday, May 05, 2009

LVB Tracker 10 days till Dayton Hamvention

Tonite we finished 20 button assemblies, last evening 13 for a total of 63 built since Sunday. Calls on Skype both evenings stole a little time but were important. Wednesday the printed circuit boards should be here. We have about 25 more button assemblies to build but have more than enough to build trackers for Dayton. I would really like to finish this phase of the project. But considering the future interruptions of the Star Trek movie coming out Thursday and a Hamvention volunteers meeting in Dayton Saturday afternoon we should pospone the assembly of the remaining button assemblies and focus on building boards. Need about 25 boards to compliment what is already built for a total build of 40 for Hamvention. Sounds like a plan.


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