LVB Tracker - Slow Progress
Thanksgiving is over and we had another great dinner with my family at my brother Dan's house. He and his wife Sue do an awesome job entertaining the family making Thanksgiving my most favorite Holiday. Now not to take anything away from my sister Patty. She and her husband Tony also do a fantastic job hosting the family for Christmas but Christmas is my most unfavorite holiday... But I love my sister!!!
With the gooey stuff over we're back in the basement building trackers in between talking on skype and figuring out how to get more voip stuff working on the 147.33 repeater. Along with fighting off James 2e0bmi who would just love me to trash the tracker project to rebuild the 147.33 repeater around the dsp404 controller and do other fun ham radio stuff.
We have 7 trackers built and tested. Currently using MacDoppler on a Mac Mini to test the trackers in real time with tracking software and a Yaesu G5500 az/el rotator. MacDoppler is a GREAT tracking program. Robust but not overdone and Don Agro, VE3VRW provides excellent support. Now if I could only get the FTDI drivers to work correctly.
Just located the last 12 lcd displays. I need 13. Fortunately found one that somehow got displaced so we are go for displays. Just finished drilling out the 2.5mm holes to something english and deburred them. But we have a 12:30 40th anneversary lucheon to go to that I have to stop and get ready for.
Back from the luncheon... Finished preping 12 lcd displays. We are now out of lcd displays! Dug out that last cases from the last shipment and we are 3 short. New shipment is in the garage so I will get three from there. Mounted lcd displays in the cases that are immdiately available. Now we're putting the stick-on rubber feet on and installing the grommet as well as the button assembly. Rufus needs a walk so we will break off at this time and do that. A cold and damp 34 degrees outside... this mornings snow has melted even with the cloudy skies, yeah!!!
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