LVB Trackers - on Twitter
I have been trying to become more active on Twitter. Seems like the thing to do. The iPhone makes it a little easier. Sometimes I'm active, sometimes not.
Just finished plugging USB modules into 20 tracker boards. Hope to have an assembled Tracker on test by lunch. Updates here and/or Twitter.
11:10amLVB Tracker boards ready for assembly. I forgot we have a lunch engagement with retired phone company friends so further tracker assembly will be delayed by another social activity.
Finally got a tracker built and went to connect it to the pc that I have been using for tracker testing and demonstrating for 4 years now. This machine has always worked. Just before taking it to Dayton 4 years ago to use to demonstrate SatPC32 I loaded XP on a new harddrive to have a fresh OS to use. Then when the trackers came along used it to test them. This machine always worked best especially with the FTDI USB port on the tracker. No other machine that I have would work as reliably as this one.... until today. FOR SOME REASON I DECIDED TO UPGRADE SATPC32 TO 12.8a BIG MISTAKE. It runs fine to the serial port on the tracker but the usb just sits there. I have fresh built pc's that wouldnt work well with that USB port. There seems to be an issue with the FTDI drivers and the SDX dde server. SDX works fine with the serial port every time but it doesnt seem to like that FTDI virtual com port driver. Yes I upgraded to the latest version. So I decided to try other tracking programs. Nova has problems, Orbitron needs Wispdde which isn't really available online, gotta buy it from AMSAT. I did find an older version but the whole thing crashed. As far as I'm concerned there are only two tracking programs for desktops that are worth a hoot: SatPC32 for PC and MacDoppler of the Mac. And guess what we're gonna try next... MacDoppler. And I didn't like the way it worked with the FTDI usb either. Works for a while then just quits! I HAVE NEVER LIKED USB!
MacDoppler works, course, its a Mac... But I need to figure out why it updates the position so much... too much.
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