Sunday, August 30, 2009


Was up around 7:30am. The doxies wanted out. So we took them out then perfect dog Rufus wanted his morning walk. Returning fed the cats and dogs. Those dogs know they get meaty food on the weekends. If I'm not getting ready for work they know. The slightest noise made with their food bowls and they're in the kitchen hooping and hollering. The boys were up late playing on the pc's and they seemed to sleep thru the ruckus. Sue fell asleep before they did so they got lucky since she usually calls for lights out!

After cleaning up the breakfast mess got down to the basement in an effort to do more cleaning. Ended up messing with the TS-2000X, the one I'm gonna keep. There are a ton of features on that radio. Took me a bit if time trying to figure out how to set up the vfo scanning limits. I also had them connected up to the KLM satellite antennas and got a sense of how it would be having a radio connected up to good antennas. The ones I have now have been up for years and need replaced. They're slightly better than a dummy load. That includes the antenna on the repeater. My friend James, 2E0BMI would go nuts hearing all the stations I was hearing on a Sunday morning. It was great messing with radios that I've had for several years and never really got into. If I get antennas up before winter it will be fun!

Sue the boys and I went to breakfast at the Grill and had a good time as usual. Kids are great especially when they are not your own and you get them only on the weekends. No I'm not a grandfather... these are neighborhood rentals! And now that school is in we will only be seeing them on the weekends twice a month for Ryan and Jordan... Michael lives across the street 24/7 and he might be over every weekend if not once or twice thru the week. He has taken over Sue's desktop. She doesn't mind... She likes her laptop and iPod touch.

Ryan got a tatoo.... "DRUM NAKED" in an arch on his belly over his navel. Wonder how it will look if he ever gets a pot belly like me!

Made a little progress after breakfast but you wouldn't know it. Whenever I clean up one area there is another one 20 degrees to the right or left. Persistence will only win here.

But we are going over to see MOM... She is having a tought time with her liver problems.

Hey James... hope your holiday turned out better than you thought. Also hope you took your book along to study for your full license... James, you got to get your M0... I will help you study on skype if you want. If I wasn't so piss poor broke I'd come to the UK and get one myself. Looking forwared to your return mate!

Going to Moms... 2:55pm


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