And so it goes
Sue had a stroke January 25th about 40 minutes after I passed up 50K enhancement to retire. One of the reasons I was strongly considered retirement was to take care of her current health issues... obesity, diabetes and arthritis. But I decided it was best to work as long as possible trying to get to a point where I could start to collect social security. The best security in this world is a good job and I have that. You can no longer count on Wall Street to do what is best for the investor... They will always opt to make more money for themselves... The last 20 years has proven that. I also didn't want to trust the company to provide a retirement annuity. Guess I've gotten to a point where I'm not comfortable trusting anybody... SAD... All my fault? Possibly...
Anyway Sue is doing good. She is in therapy and is doing everything they ask of her. Her biggest problem is re-occurring bouts of dizziness that causes nausea followed by vomiting. Also her Blood Pressure is not stable. The doctors are trying to get those symptoms settled down so she could come home. Maybe next week...
I had about 2 months off from building LVB Trackers. AMSAT is currently out of stock and three weeks ago they had 4 outstanding orders. I was out of circuit boards so I couldn't build anyway. The boards came in a week ago but I've been very busy with Sue at the hospital. While walking the dog I decided to do what I did when my Mom was in the hospital and when we needed us to camp out at her house. TAKE THE TRACKER PROJECT WITH ME! Sue will be in the hospital another 4 to 5 days and while I'm visiting her I just mess with the iPhone. One evening Sue and I slept most the evening. So after I get done here I'm gonna pack up some parts and head out... By the time she gets out of the hospital I could get 10 boards built!
So that's it for now!
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