Thursday, May 06, 2010

LVB Trackers - 8 days till Hamvention

Got 9 trackers tested, closed-up, cleaned and packed! Too many distractions, most semi-disturbing just took the wind out of my sails. I have two rotors going that makes the testing go twice as fast! The GX260 dell pc that is new to the project seems to be having virtual com port/SDX lock-up problems. It amazes me that more folks don't have trouble with that. I have tried numerous pc's and laptops and have more failures than success. One ham was having so much trouble with it I helped him switch over to the trackers serial port which works solid. Trying to get this small form factor pc working for use at the AMSAT boot at Hamvention. I think we'll use the serial interface too so there won't be any technical issues. That's what we did last year.

Tuesday during my physical therapy session, Bernie my airplane mechanic called wanting to inspect the plane this Friday. Went to the airport to scope things out and found too many obstacles to overcome. So we decided to wait a week... so I got Friday back.

Going to Mom's Thursday for the day. But I think I will make several excursions back here to move trackers on and off the rotors for testing. Hope to have all the trackers tested and ready for Hamvention by Saturday.

Saturday morning going to Dayton for a Hamvention volunteers meeting and pick up my credentials. Scary close!

There is 8 days till Hamvention but since I will be leaving Wednesday I only have 6 days to get ready!

Going to bed... Good Night! 1:13am


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