Friday, April 20, 2012

LVB Trackers - 27 days till 2012 Dayton Hamvention

Today is Friday April 20th, I have the day off cause I start my work week on Sundays.  This week I had 3 instead of 2 central offices to maintain and yesterday evening I was just beat.  I was tired from mid afternoon and it even affected my dinner.   Parts from Digikey arrived yesterday which included the 3000 AMP crimp connectors.  Now I could have finished the LCD cables but I never got past my recliner after dinner.  I fell asleep in front of the iPad reading email.  Good news is I feel great now.  Resting the shoulder from crimping about 200 wires for the LCD cables.  This mornings goal is to finish the LCD cables all together.  Next we'll focus on the button assemblies.  Hoping it won't take a week to get them done as time is growing short.  But I took the whole week of Hamvention off so I'll have at least 3 whole days to finish up what does not get done.

This afternoon will work in the yard.  Back yard needs cut and a ton of other yard things to do that probably wont get done.  The new knee does not tolerate much more abuse than the old one did.   It just doesn't ache as much in between time.  Hope it get better with time as everyone tells me.

I need to pay more attention to aviation events.  This week I missed a gathering of a bunch of B25 Mitchell bombers that gathered at Grimes field to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Doolittle raid on Japan.
Things like that are likely to never happen again in that magnitude or in Ohio. Back in the 80's I had a chance to fly a B25 for about 20 minutes from the right seat.  First and probably only warbird I will ever fly.  Also got a chance to fly in the waste and in the tail gunners position.  JUST TOO AWESOME!

40 meters sucks this morning.  Listening to Midcars on 7258 and the normally weak service control stations are barely readable most the time.  Other stations on frequency are complaining to so its not me.

Ok gonna do some email then back to crimping then final assembly of LCD cables.

UPDATE 11:15 AM:
Finished crimping enough wires for 30 LCD cables.  Starting assembly as soon as I get away from this.  Assembly is the fun part of building LCD cables.  It don't take long.  Guess that's why its the fun part.

Finished 34 button assemblies...
I timed the first dozen I assembled and the average time to insert the 12 wires into the 2 connector shells is 2:15.   Best time with all the elements layed out so I could get them easy was 1:48.  I was able to to a few at about 2 minutes.  This was picking the wires out of the bins and all the fumbling that brings.  Anyway, that part is done.  The most time intensive part of building trackers.  I was also able to get lunch in too!  Now I take my wife Sue, KB8AOF,  shopping... :(



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