Monday, April 27, 2009

LVB Tracker 18 days till Dayton Hamvention

This evening we start on button assemblies. Even though I'm tired I have to keep plugging away in an effort to have trackers to sell at the Dayton Hamvention. Boards will be here on or around May 7th so everything needs to be done so all that needs to be done is board building and assembly. So we will focus on button assemblies, lcd fab, din cable fab and get all the parts, resistors and diodes, pre-bent so board assembly will go fast. Martha suggested I focus on the Dayton build so we will do that.

7:03 pm edst

Sunday, April 26, 2009

LVB Tracker 19 days till Dayton Hamvention

4:30 pm

Finally, 90 lcd cable assemblies are complete. Took about 2 mins 45 seconds to build each one. Wasn't that bad... after about 60 it felt like no progress was being made... then you notice the bins are beginning to empty and there seems to be less connector housings laying around.

Next we'll prep about 16 LCD's. The mounting holes need to be drilled out and the idc connector soldered in. I know there are orders waiting to be filled and since we are waiting on more pcb's to arrive (May 7th, 8 days before Hamvention) we can fill the those orders by weeks end. There are about 7 button assemblies left from the last build so we could ship 7 by Friday.

Indians finally beat Minnesota and the CAVS are beating the Pistons at half-time...

Back to work!

4:58 pm esdt

Friday, April 24, 2009

LVB Tracker 21 days till Dayton Hamvention

YES YES YES all them 1080 little white wires are cut, stripped and crimped.

It's 8:39pm.

While finishing up the prep for lcd cable assembly we're listening to the CAVS/Pistons game. They're playing up in Auburn Hills. Was a slow start... tied at the end of 1st quarter with the CAVS winning at the half. Now it sounds like Detroit is making a comeback... oh my. Also got the Indians game on TV in the background. They're playing Minnesota and it looks like it 3-1 Minneosta.. Oh My.. These are the things that keep my mind off of the insane boredom of cutting, stripping and crimping. This is the first time I've built this many (90). Most I built to date was 40 in the winter of 2008. I'm hoping these 90 will carry us thru the end of the year.

Sue and Barb are at the Aeros game. I hafta go pick them up... probably any time now. Barb was complaining about going at dinner. She doesn't like the noise.

8:47pm The Pistons have retaken the lead.

Going to do my email. Cut some heatshrink. Pick up the girls and hopefully get back in time to assemble the lcd cables.


Here's everything ready for assembly. 1080 wires, 180 connector shells. Went upstairs to keep the doxies company and finish listening to the CAVS game. Sue and Barb are still at the game... and.... THE CAVS BEAT THE PISTONS! Now we can sit down and assemble. I wonder how the Indians are doing?


Just got home from picking up Sue and Barb from the Aero's ball game. They played a double header tonight with both games going into extra innings. Before that had a short video chat with Tom, K8CNN on Skype and got 20 lcd cables built. Would have been nice to get them all built tonite but you hafta have a life too!

Going to bed we are now 20 days till Dayton Hamvention!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

LVB Tracker 24 days till Dayton Hamvention

THE WIRE ARRIVED TODAY. Ordered it April 7th! But it came from the West Coast and didn't ship till the 15th. So while trying to watch the Cavs beat the Pistons I'll be cutting, stripping and crimping the last 410 wires that make up the LCD cable assembly!

at 8:32pm got 270 to go!

Almost got all the wires cut. Talked to Gould, WA4SXM tonite on Skype. That took a little time. But the good news is the LVB Tracker circuit boards were ordered. The bad news they won't be here till the 7th of May... 8 days before Dayton. That means I need to build about 30 boards and build up trackers in less than 8 days. So we may not have a bunch at Dayton this year. We'll see.

12:11am Going to bed.

Monday, April 20, 2009

LVB Tracker 24 days till Dayton Hamvention

All day Sunday and today, Monday I built 15 LVB Tracker boards. I originally thought I had 20 bare boards. They are shipped in vacu-formed bricks. Martha from the AMSAT office needed some bare boards for members that order them to build their own tracker and sent me an email requesting I ship her some boards and cases. So I sent her 5 from the last brick in stock. I thought a brick was 25 boards but when I started the build yesterday I only had 15 boards left in the brick. Bad in that I really wanted to build 20 boards, good in that 20 is a lot of boards... 15 was a lot... you seem to never get done loading parts. But with 24 days till Dayton when the next lot of boards arrive we will need to build at least 40.

Bricks of printed circuit boards as they arrive vacuum wrapped... 20 per brick!

Here's the finished boards ready to be installed!

Tomorrow hopefully the wire will arrive and we can get the lcd cables finished.

And it is now 12:29 am on Tuesday so there are 24 days till Dayton. It's going to be tight.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

LVB Tracker countdown to Hamvention

Yes, I've been away from the blog for a couple weeks. AND AWAY FROM THE LVBTRACKER BUILDING PROJECT TOO! Which is BAD. There is less than a month till the Dayton Hamvention and need to build at least 40 trackers by then and probably 50.... THAT WILL BE TOUGH. It's amazing how time flies.

Of all the parts used in the construction of the LVB Tracker two I need to build, the lcd cable and the push buttom assembly. First the LCD cable that connects the lcd display to the pcb. This is most tedious because 12 wires need to be cut to different lengths, stripped and idc connectors crimped to each end of the wire. Then they need to be inserted into the connector shells. The last part is easy, fun and doesn't take too long... the hardest part being done first.
I thought I had enough parts to build 90 cables but ran out of wire. Then did some quick math and determined I was about 2000 crimp connectors short. Ordered wire and connectors early last week. The connectors were here fast from Digikey but the wire will not arrive till Monday or Tuesday. I still will build 90 assemblies which will meet our build requirement hopefully till the end of the year. Second, the button assembly. Only one wire is a pain to cut and strip. The remaining 4 are easy. I will also try to build 90 now but in an effort not to fall too far behind in filling current orders I might build 10 or so but will fight that urge depending on how well I can stay in the building groove.

lcd cable assy-->

<---button assy

Now I realize there is probably a different (perhaps better) way of doing probably the lcd cable but whatever you do unless one can be purchased off shelf (that won't make the project look like crap) it will still take a considerable amount of messing around either soldering the wires into perhaps the pcb or the lcd display itself. It's just the messiest part of the project and I would like to get it out of the way now.

Another thing that messed me up this past week was the need to ship out new pics. We're having a problem where the eeprom in the pic gets scrambled. The eeprom stores the calibration settings for the rotor that is connected to the tracker. An un-calibrated tracker is useless so the user needs to either leave the power on so the calibration stays intact or re-calibrate every time the tracker-rotor is power on. We found out several users just left their trackers on. But a few have asked for help with the problem and sending a new programed pics seems to solve the problem. Gould, WA4SXM has looked at the code and after Dayton will have time to work with a compiler. Unfortunately the problem seems to be random and I have not been able to duplicate the problem on the bench. I have seen the problem in production but it's one in every 10-20 pics so it will be a tough bug to catch.

So Monday evening the project was to get the pics programed to ship out. Couldn't find the power distibution box I use to power tracker boards when I flash the pics. Looked for hours. I had just seen it on the bench and it was gone. Before I found it or enough parts to make another, I fell asleep in front of the pc.... That happens a lot both at home and at work. Tuesday I was looking for parts. Most all of the parts I use for power cables were gone. Need to order more. Wednesday... I think I kept falling asleep trying to unload recorded programs on the DVR so I gave up and when to bed. Thursday I found the stuff I needed but took almost an hour to get one pic programmed. Picprog couldn't see the processor. I couldn't get hyperterminal (sucky comm program anyway) to help me prove I had the correct serial cable. It was like the force was against me getting these pics programmed. Found out I had the max232 plugged in backwards. Plugged in another and got one pic programmed but fell asleep in front of the pc trying to get thru about 300 emails. Friday I got all the pics programed and figured I'd go to the post office Saturday morning and get some shipping envelopes to ship them in. Well we ended up spending 2-3 hours at breakfast and I never made it to the post office. SO.... I'm going to take the path of least resistance and just put them in the smallest priority shipping box I have, get the shipping online and just drop the packages off at the post office Monday morning. So with all that I lost the week. It just sucks to be so disorganized and tired. Don't know how I'm gonna get 50 build by Dayton. Maybe we will go on strike and I'll have some unexpected time but no money to goto Dayton. NOT! I'll go on plastic....

One bit of GREAT NEWS. When this whole LVB Tracker saga started just before Dayton Hamvention 2007 I took my 2meter/440 klm beams down because I needed my G5400 rotor for a live display of the lvb tracker boards we were selling at Dayton. At that time I should have just bought a new G5500 rotor for the display. I thought about doing that but something about 600 bucks got in the way. I really should have done that cause the antennas have been down for almost 2 years. I missed the possiblity of working Richard Garriot, Mike Fincke and Charles Simonyi. But again... the GOOD NEWS IS I GOT MY ANTENNAS BACK UP LAST WEEKEND. And have been listening in on AO-51 passes. Still need to get the operating area cleaned up so I can set up the computer I use (mac mini/MacDoppler) set up to run the radio and antennas. Manual antenna tuning is not fun (to me) and the computer does a much better job running the ts-2000(plus it's fun to watch). And I want to also get familiar with using SatPC32 for automatic operations.

Another bit of GREAT NEWS.... I WENT FLYING ON SATURDAY ! ! ! ! Second time this year I had the plane out. Avgas is still almost 4 bucks a gallon. That's almost 40 bucks an hour for fuel while flying. Takes the top off the fun. Anyway, the annual inspection was completed and I needed to do a test flight. This weekends weather forecast indicated rain for Sunday and Monday. Saturday the weather was great so I decided to be a responsible pilot/owner and get out the airport and 'get'r done'. So out at the airport I had some things to unload from the truck... things that needed stored in the hanger... and guess what!... there were two L-band and S-band antennas just waiting to be taken home and installed. So they were loaded into the truck along with a box of RG-6 for the L-Band down converter output. While doing that Tim taxied up to the next door hanger in his Cozy Haven't seen him since last fall. It's funny how no matter how nice the weather is at home it's always worse at the airport. At least the winds...
While at the run-up pad at the end or runway 19 I was watching several Kent State planes landing. They were getting their butts kicked by the crosswind. One of the pilots did a go-around and I thought he was going to buy the farm. His upwind wing was awefully low to the ground and the nose got uncomfortably high... hanging it all on the prop. It's amazing how well the Cessna will fly. But he kept it all going and did much better on the second landing. I was beginning to wonder if I should be trying to fly with the crosswind this strong. I fly a taildragger which can be a handfull in a crosswind. The crosswind didn't seem to be that bad... I had seen and flown in worse. Course I've had about 40 minutes flying since the trip to Oshkosh last July flying once last January. But I have always done well after long bouts without flying. When Sue was sick I didn't fly for a 2 years. Did my BFR in a Skyhawk (tricycle gear) and then a few months later jumped in my '170 (conventional gear-all I've flown in the last 28 years) and did real good... felt real comfortable. So I tried not to let the situation scare me or rouine my confidence (hopefully not over-confidence) and just do all the things needed to do for a crosswind takeoff and give it a go. Well... I think the taildragger has so much going for it.... There was no problem with the ground run on the runway. The plane wasn't too difficult to keep on the center line of the runway. Didn't require too much upwind wing down control and you don't want to bury the wing either... I've seen too many pilots (from Kent State) just use, in my opinion, too much upwind wing down forces in a crosswind. Seems like they don't get a feel to use what is necessary to keep things under control.... Anyway after liftoff a noticable crab was needed to stay on runway heading and it seemed to me the crosswinds were much stronger at altitude. Better than on the ground ! ! So I flew out to my brother-in-laws house about 10 mins away... and back to the airport. NOW FOR THE LANDING!!!!!! Winds at altitude (2000ft msl) were reasonably bumpy and a noticeable crosswind from the southwest. Kent State planes were following me into the pattern so I didn't want to hog the runway making them go around... The pressure was on.... Turning on to final the crosswind didn't seem to be too bad. Didn't need much of any cross control to keep things straight till just out of the flair and not that much. The flare was just right and when the rubber met the road we just stayed there... no bouncing or loss of directional control. I even added a little power in a tail up fast taxi to get down the runway to the taxiway. But just before getting there the burble off the trees made things get a little squirly so got the tail down and slowed down and turned off onto the taxiway. I even thought that perhaps I should try another but thougt that it might be best to not push it. The only way to make a beautiful day better is a good plane ride. How's that for a verbose story. My teachers used that word verbose a lot with red pencil across my papers. Guess I never learned. Now if I could learn to do it well. Are you asleep yet?

While writing this I realized the local hamfest is on today. Between email and doing this blog I've wasted too much time today already. Will stay at home!

I have 20 bare pcb's left so with the rest of the day I'm gonna get as many parts on them as I can. The wire might be here tomorrow which is a day off and if so I'g like to get the lcd cable assy's done if the planets all line up!

My wife just came downstairs wanting to know how many boards I got done. Got to love her!

Getting to work... 12:55pm

Sunday, April 05, 2009

LVB Tracker

Well the good news is we are working day-to-day. I have been dreading this strike for quite some time. Recently I have decided to embrace it, build some trackers and do some serious eBay selling to compensate for the wage losses. Now we hafta work day-to-day. GREAT, we'll embrace that too and just build trackers in the evenings.

Dogs are walked, cats are fed.

Let's see if we can get another 90 lcd cable assembly wires stripped and crimped before breakfast!
Here's last nights progress. Lower middle compartment... all them little wires got little shiny things on them. Isn't this exciting!

90 more stripped and crimped. See the lower left compartment.

Time for breakfast at the Crooked River Grill! 09:32am

It sure has turned out to be a great sunny day. 49 degrees in the shade and very comfortable in the sun with a light breeze from the east.

Sue and I had a great breakfast at the 'Grill. She got all the latest coupons emailed out while we were there. I always bring my laptop with me. Keeps me busy while waiting on food or the rest of the table to finish eating. I eat fast! And usually during the conversation I'm Googling something to settle a dispute or just for more information on the topic of discussion. Today I Googled LVBTracker only to find out the common spelling is LVB Tracker. On the second page there was a HIT ON MY BLOG! So now the public will find this blog when searching for LVB Tracker. Poor souls.... But at least they will see what goes into the building and what else happens while I'm trying to build them.

Took the doxies (Mork & Mindy) out for a walk down the street to the middle school sports field. It's bordered by woods to the east and a creek bisects the baseball and soccer fields. The dogs love it there and it's very popular with the neighborhood dogs as well. Great Day...

Strip and crimp another 90.... Groan...

3:16pmLookie here, one compartment left to strip and crimp. Been watching the CAVS game on TV while working on this and was able to do 180 wires in one sitting. I think the TV either stimulated or distracted me. Will keep the TV on for the rest of the afternoon as we do the last 90. YES!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

LVB Tracker

Hey guess what it's Saturday, April 4th and at midnight tonight I will become essentially unemployed. The contract between at&t and the CWA expires today and it doesn't look good. It never does but this time it looks worse. You know folks don't have as many wired phones. The second line has been replaced by cell phones and broadband internet. The young folks don't need a wired phone when they move into their own place cause they have a cell phone. The older folks are getting rid of their wired phones to save money. But consider this... when there is some kind of crisis, bad storm, power failure or terrorist attack the cell phone network will choke cause that's were everyone will be trying to get thru. This happened during the massive east coast power failure in August 2003. The wired phone network was there with dialtone, ready to connect you anywhere (except to cell phones, I couldn't call my wife who was on her way home from work). Also consider that the phone company powers the wired phones with batteries in the central office and those batteries are backed up by a diesel or turbine powered generators. Not all cellular systems have that much back-up power (could you imagine batteries and generators at every cell sits?). So if you can afford a home wired phone, get one!

at&t is using the diminished landline business as a one reason to want substantial change in what they pay their non-management employees. The other is health care costs. They also don't want to offer pensions to new hires! They are laying off 12,000 of them this year and made 12.9 billion in 2008. 12.9 billion... It's ok to pay Apple $575 for every iPhone 3G they sell but they would love to drive down the employee payroll. It's ok to pay large bonus's to corporate management and dividends to stockholders but they want to beat down the people who work hard to get them there. I've worked for the phone company for 40 years this June. I have never worked harder. Zero overtime this year and perhaps 3 hours last year so there is no way to make extra money there anymore. We can only hope for the best.

So during that down time what am I gonna do besides walk the picket line? BUILD LVBTrackers!

This (Saturday) morning at 5:30 Mork woke me up wanting to go out. So I took Mork and Mindy out for a few minutes in the 35 degree temps. At 6:30 Rufus wanted his walk!

By 7am I was in the basement cutting wire. I had just sent 3 trackers to AMSAT and hope that will keep them afloat while I work on the next BIG batch. The wires I'm cutting are for the LCD cable assemblies.Here's the work table are where LVBTrackers are built. This morning we cut about 200 ft of white wire (remember all important wires are white) in an attempt to build 90 (NINETY) lcd cable assemblies. That's the most I've built at one time and I hope it's the last time this year we'll need to do that. We are gearing up for the Dayton Hamvention build. Last year we sold 32 trackers at Hamvention and we should have at least that many for this year! Back to the build... ran out of wire so we're gonna order at least 300ft of wire to cover the rest of the display cables and the button assembly cables.
The finished product, LCD Cable. Were're gonna make 90 of these. Toughest part is cutting, stripping and crimping 1080 little white wires... that's 2160 crimps. And I just realized I just have a little over 2000 crimp terminals... So we need to order more of them in addition to wire and grommets. It never ends. Back to work! 2:23 pm.

Stripped and crimpt about 200 little white wires. Lots of wrist action. Probably best to pace myself with this part of the project. Will probably start loading the last 20 pcb's as that part of the project effects only my back.

Well were gonna try to get back to cutting and stripping.
Here's the 450 wires that need stripped and crimped. 900 strips and 900 crimps... OMG!!!