Saturday, March 20, 2010

LVB Trackers - Saturday progress

If you have read past posts you'd know that Saturday is about a 4-6 hour work opportunity. Today was about 4 hours worth.

Installed the 6 ceramic caps, 4.0 mhz crystal and 10 k pot on 20 boards. Might not sound like much but some these parts have to be tacked then soldered. After dinner started on the 9 electrolytics. Got them installed on 10 boards and my arm says its time for a rest.

Tomorrow we'll finish the electrolytics on the last 10 boards. Then install the connectors, 4 transistors and the 7805. 7805 heatsink then flux cleaning. Hopefully we'll have time to voltage test, install and flash the pic. Getting that done tomorrow would be awesome... 20 boards finished!!!

Got a broke laptop that needs to be reloaded. That can be done from my recliner upstairs.

Good Night1


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